


Article I: Name

The name of this organization shall be the University of California at San Francisco Administrative Management Professionals. 

Article II: Purpose and Objectives

Administrative Management Professionals (AMP) is an organization of Campus and UCSF Health administrators from academic, clinical, administrative, and research units. We foster an inclusive, cohesive and influential administrative community by gathering and disseminating information and by providing career development and networking opportunities for our members.

AMP Objectives:

  1. Provide a forum for discussion of common concerns.
  2. Provide the administration with a broad-based staff resource group.
  3. Orient new members on Campus and Health operations, policies, and procedures.
  4. Promote the professional development of members through conferences, workshops, and special events.
  5. Encourage growth by offering learning events with UCSF leadership.
  6. Promote and recognize the professional identity of department and unit administrators and managers.
  7. Equip members with resources to improve the effectiveness in their respective areas of responsibility.
  8. Provide members with the opportunity to apply for a one-year mentorship program.
  9. Network and collaborate with other University groups, including other UC AMP organizations.

Article III: Membership

  1. Qualifications

Membership has responsibilities for, or supports the operation of teaching, administrative, clinical and/or research units, is employed by the University of California, San Francisco (Campus or Health) 50% or more.

  1. Rights of Employee Membership
    1. Attends and participates in AMP sponsored activities, and
    2. Votes in AMP elections
  2. Annual Membership Fee
    1. The annual fees are determined by majority vote of the AMP Steering Committee
    2. The fee is based from July to June to correspond with the fiscal year and is not prorated for any time missed during the year.
    3. There is no substitution on the membership roll should an employee be replaced in the middle of the fiscal year.
    4. Administrative Management Professionals shall cover registration for the annual Systemwide AMP Conference for one member each year.

Article IV: Meetings

  1. General meetings with all members may be held periodically, when deemed necessary and appropriate by the Steering Committee.
  2. Steering committee meetings will be held monthly throughout the fiscal year.

Article V: Governance

  1. Administrative Management Professionals shall be governed by a Chair or Chairpersons (hereafter referred to as Chair), and the Steering Committee.
  2. The Chair/s’ duties shall include but not be limited to:
    1. Calling meetings.
    2. Selection of the Steering Committee.
    3. Establishment of sub-committees and coordination of committee members.
    4. Financial oversight of funds entrusted to the organization.
  3. The Chair/s shall act as the official representative of Administrative Management Professionals.
  4. The Chair/s shall select members of the Steering Committee, making every attempt to reflect the diversity of campus interests by the AMP membership.
  5. Co-Chair – Staggered Term of Service
    1. Each Co-Chair will serve for three years, first year as a Co-Chair Elect, second year as Junior Co-Chair and third year as Senior Co-Chair.
    2. The new Co-Chair will assume office on August 1.
    3. The Co-Chairperson/s’ role may be filled by no more than two individuals serving as Co-Chairs.
    4. In the event the office of the Co-Chair is vacated, the individual(s) filling the office of Co-Chair Elect shall assume the responsibilities of the office of the Co-Chair for the remainder of the year then, subsequently, serve her/his one-year term as Co-Chair.
    5. Filling the office of the Co-Chair due to vacancy shall be the responsibility of the Steering Committee by a voting majority of the committee membership.
    6. Administrative Management Professionals shall cover the two Co-Chairs' expenses and registration for the annual Systemwide AMP conference.
    7. The Co-Chair elect will serve as the Steering Committee Secretary in the year prior to serving as co-chair.
  6. Chair-Elect – Replacement

In the event the office of Co-Chair Elect is vacated before end of term, the Steering Committee will entertain nominations and approve by majority vote a replacement to complete the term.

7. Steering Committee Members – Term of Service

  1. Steering Committee Members will be appointed or reappointed by and serve at the discretion of the Chair/s in one-year terms, beginning August 1.
  2. When possible, the Steering Committee shall have at least one representative from each UCSF campus or site.
  3. Steering Committee members unable to continue serving on the Board Steering Committee shall be replaced at the discretion of the Chair after consultation with the remaining Steering Committee members.
  4. The Steering Committee will nominate and elect individuals to represent UCSF-AMP at the system-wide AMP organization. Nominees would be limited to the AMP Members. In the event a representative cannot complete their term, the Steering Committee will select a replacement to complete the term of the vacant position.

8. Systemwide AMP Organization UCSF Representatives

  1. There will be two representatives serving overlapping 2-year terms. The individual who is to begin the second year of their term will be the "Senior Representative," the other the "Junior Representative".
  2. The systemwide representatives must be employed by the University of California, San Francisco (Campus or Health) 100% and be exempt.
  3. Administrative Management Professionals shall cover the two systemwide representatives' expenses and registration, less $500, for the annual Systemwide AMP conference.

9. AMP Officers

  1. The Chair/s shall appoint a Treasurer to serve for a period of 2 years at their discretion for the purpose of providing management and ongoing reporting of the organization's financial standing.
  2. The Chair/s shall appoint a Secretary to serve for a period of 2 years at their discretion for the purpose of taking steering committee minutes to record and monitor committee activities and distribute to its members.

Article VI: Elections

Elections will be held in the last quarter of the academic year to determine the Chair-elect, with new officer(s) taking office in August. The members will be eligible to vote for the Chair-elect. The candidate slate receiving the most votes will be declared the winner. In case of a tie, another vote involving the tied candidates will take place within fifteen (15) working days.

Article VII: Committees

  1. Steering Sub-Committees
    1. Steering Sub-Committees may be formed, at the discretion of the Co-chairs and Steering Committee Members.
    2. Steering Sub-Committees shall be formed for specific ongoing purposes.
  2. Ad Hoc Committees
    1. At the discretion of the Chair and with guidance from the Steering Committee, Ad Hoc Committees shall be formed whose participants shall be chosen from the membership-at-large.
    2. Ad Hoc Committees shall be formed to complete short-term projects.

Article VIII: Legislation and Amendments

  1. The by-laws and other official publications of Administrative Management Professionals may be approved, amended, or repealed only by a two-thirds majority of the members voting.
  2. The by-laws will be reviewed by the Steering Committee every two years, although the general membership may propose modifications at any time.
  3. No proposal relating to introduction, amendment, or repeal of AMP legislation may be presented for vote of the general membership unless:
    1. Such a proposal shall have previously been reviewed and approved by the Steering Committee or a designated Ad Hoc committee whose authority shall be limited to matters of form and the coordination of related changes in the by-laws and other official publications of AMP; and
    2. The membership of AMP has received written or electronic notice of a proposal fifteen (15) working days prior to the established date for the vote.